Youth Week Tasmania 2021

We’ve Got This PHOTOS: Sebastian Albiston

It’s pretty clear that most of us would like to wipe the year 2020 from our collective memory banks! You’d be hard pressed to find someone that wasn’t negatively affected by the whirlwind year that was 2020– and that includes the young people of Tasmania. But with a strong amount of resilience and drive to help rebuild connections amongst the communities; you could almost see the youth rising like phoenixes from the ashes of one of the worst collective years in their short lifetimes- This has became the inspiration for this year’s Youth Week Tasmania (YWT) theme: “We’ve Got This!”

YWT officially started in 2018 and since then, it provided a unique platform for the youth aged 12 to 25 to voice out their views and ideas, showcase their talents and skills, and actively participate in events. In a nutshell, it aims to empower the youth (which our team at 4one4 also advocates). It is an opportunity for them to be heard and seen in the Tasmanian community. YWT 2021 will be celebrated from April 30 to May 9, 2021.

According to the Department of Communities Tasmania, one of the key objectives for this event is to “celebrate the contributions of young people in communities, in education, and in the workforce”.

The Tasmanian Government has been supportive for this annual event from the beginning. This year, it has allocated $20 000 for the Youth Week Tasmania 2021 Grants Program. 

As a support, Centacare Evolve Housing hosted a Youth Week event on May 06, 2021 which was organised by Christina Augustine, its Community Wellbeing Manager (& we were lucky enough to be present there, of course!). This non-for-profit company was born out of the idea of providing secure and stable affordable housing to its local markets. Hence, they are committed in building up the community through their efforts on housing and community events such as this one. 

The Youth Week event was held in Gagebrook Skate Park and was supported by a lot of volunteers (including our Director Patrick Berry!). With all the music and dancing, the event’s highlights include BMX Coaching from Southern City BMX Club for the aspiring riders, arts and crafts for the upcoming Mother’s Day, a free BBQ to feed the local kids, spray painting on art canvas, a bean bag corner, and a lot more.

Bridgewater Police and Community Youth Club (PCYC) also participated in the event with their prepared fun activities for everyone. PCYC also provided free shuttle services for Bridgewater to Herdsman Cove.

The event enabled the youth to impart their passion to the Tasmanian Community. Not only was it a day of fun activities and free food, but it became a hub of learning and communication, too. We believe that such an event is essential in empowering the youth- assisting in creating the leaders of tomorrow. 

Even if the year 2020 is being perceived as one of the most destructive years of all time, a lot of lessons have also been imparted among everyone–including the youth of Tasmania–which they can use as something beneficial in the coming years. Even if everything seems uncertain, Youth Week Tasmania will surely empower young people each year–an event organised by the youth, for the youth.