What have we learned in Inman Connect Las Vegas 2023

Straight from TAS to Vegas, 4one4 Property Co. has fed their hunger for real estate knowledge in this year’s Inman Connect. From the glitz of the Las Vegas Strip to the glittering intellects that graced its halls, Inman Connect 2023 was undoubtedly a rendezvous of real estate brilliance. 

Happened from the 8th to the 10th of August 2023 (PDT), 4one4 Property Co. Directors Patrick Berry, Abbey Berry, and Paul Berry have graced the most anticipated real estate event. 

Inman Connect is “a 3-day exploration and celebration of the glorious, complicated, rapidly evolving real estate marketplace.” This is where forward-thinking professionals in different sectors of real estate, from all around the world, gather to learn and share their expertise.

4one4 Property Co | Inman Connect Las Vegas 2023 | [from left to right] 4one4 Property Co. Directors Paul Berry, Abbey Berry, and Patrick Berry during the Inman Connect Las Vegas 2023
[from left to right] 4one4 Property Co. Directors Paul Berry, Abbey Berry, and Patrick Berry during the Inman Connect Las Vegas 2023

From nurturing ideas and introducing concepts foreign to the everyday scene to fostering relationships among real estate aces, there’s a lot to look forward to in Inman Connect Las Vegas. Among these, of course, are the learnings to take home. 4one4 Property Co. Director Patrick Berry has shared three of the many valuable insights and takeaways he absorbed from the 3-day conference and expo. 

So, even if you weren’t personally there to witness the exciting event and listen to various esteemed speakers, Patrick has made sure to bring back home the essence of Inman Connect 2023, directly from Vegas to TAS. 

Below are the three major lessons that made him reflect during and after the conference, paving the way for a real estate landscape that is as dynamic and exciting as the city itself. Prepare to take down notes because we reckon these might also be helpful in your real estate venture.

Championing the Potential of AI

May it be in the expo booth presentation, networking event, cocktail party chat, and practically in every session, the conversation always boils down to the power Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds and how it can penetrate the future of real estate. As a tech-savvy, it’s no wonder, it’s one of Patrick’s key takeaways from the conference. 

If there’s one striking message that the 3-day conference has etched into the participants’ minds, it’s the inclusion of AI in our strategic priority list. Within the next 18-24 months, industry experts predict that 30% of our employment functions will likely be automated. But it’s vital to remember that AI won’t take the role of human interaction; rather, it will serve as an invaluable personal assistant.

Inman Connect Founder, Brad Inman, believes that AI will increase human lifespans, create more jobs than it eliminates, and even replace dogs as human companions. That’s how ambitious yet feasible the idea of embracing the power of AI is. 

“To stay relevant, we must recognise that AI will equip us to become trusted advisors, empowering us to engage in deeper, more informed conversations with clients.”

We may incorporate AI into our daily routines in several ways. One of which is by using tools like ChatGPT to streamline administrative tasks. With its help, we can increase efficiency benefits in writing property descriptions by up to 50%. It’s worth noting, though, that ChatGPT won’t get it flawless but will instead get you going and help you get rid of staring too long at blank pages. 

Apart from artificial intelligence, real estate marketing consultant Katie Lance suggests that you also need to add emotional intelligence into the equation. Every client has a different story to tell and how you approach them should vary. They go through various situations and your genuine empathy should prevail to give them an excellent, significant experience. 

To do this, you may add some short descriptive keywords to your ChatGPT prompts such as “compelling, friendly, informative, or conversational” to improve the tone of your content and produce something that sounds more like you. 

Transforming into Relatable Professionals and Educators

We believe that education is vital in decision-making. And so in real estate too. Our position changes to become instructors and trusted consultants as AI improves consumer understanding. One appealing method to successfully achieve this is through video content. 

Long-format videos that are roughly 30 minutes in length are advised by experts to help us develop our credibility and knowledge. Then, these videos can be transformed into short social media clips. Patrick has pointed out and used as an example the short clips our Marketing Manager, Aaron Horne, has been doing with our podcast episodes (you may check our page here to visualise what we’re trying to say). 

But of course, consistency is key. And that doesn’t solely apply to creating such content but as well as making sure that your online persona is seamlessly aligned with the in-person experience you provide with your clients. 

Viral TikTok sensation Glennda Baker offered simple advice regarding this and how to stand out in a sea of AI users: “Be your authentic self on social media, and the leads will follow.” This is how and why AI should not and would not lose the ‘human touch’. The agent that will face your clients in real life won’t be the one creating your perfectly-curated online identity. So, make sure that your online and offline profile match in real life. 

What Patrick pictures for this is you trying to show up for yourself too. How? Try speaking directly to the camera as you share your personal thoughts, daily experiences, and insights on anything and everything real estate. Behind-the-scene vlogs might be effective to give your audience a glimpse of your daily routine while you also establish a personal connection with them. 

Optimising Funnels for Lead Generation

Long before AI penetrated the modern vocabulary of real estate, you might have already stumbled upon the word ‘funnel’ in lead generation in one way or another. Whilst others are already utilising it, others might not have fully grasped the opportunities it could possibly bring to the table. 

Funnels are, in fact, effective instruments for developing leads and opening doors. “Our time at Inman Connect shed light on the mechanics of effective funnel creation and how to guide prospects through them,” Patrick realised. 

The next crucial step, according to him, lies in refining the client’s follow-up and nurturing systems–transforming cold leads into warm prospects. You need to have a solid database or technology to position yourself well in integrating your funnels. The key point for this is to streamline all the processes involved and make them all work for the single goal of turning cold leads into warm ones. 

Those three points are just some of the highlights of the very broad lessons our 4one4 Directors in the recent Inman Connect Las Vegas had. But there’s definitely more to these. Watch out as we apply them in our everyday real estate transactions and interactions one at a time. 

If you have any queries concerning anything and everything real estate or about Inman Connect Las Vegas 2023, feel free to contact us. We don’t mind the jet lag *winks*.