Sam Allwright, our new sales superstar

A salesperson during the daytime; a sports loving pastry chef in his spare time!

With his combined skill set and commitment to quality, he has been serving up his clients sweet deals and tasty options. His passion took him miles away from his comfort zone gaining over 20 years of experience in sales. He’s approachable and friendly, but he’s at times tricky. 

Enough with the introduction, ladies and gents, with virtual claps and confetti, we officially welcome you to our 4one4 Property Co. family–Sam Allwright!

Prior to joining our Sales Team, Sam has worked in the  real estate industry for almost a year. As much as he loves cooking, he has an equally strong hunger for selling properties. But way before that, he cut some of his sales teeth as a car salesman and then gained the majority of his sales experience with 15 years in the  printing industry. (so, look out Sam, we all know who to turn to for help when the ink runs out of the copier now)

You might be wondering how a trained pastry chef turned car salesman who also dominated the printing industry, suddenly wanted to take a leap and try real estate as his profession. Here’s what Sam has to say about that:

“Real estate is the direction now. Because of the COVID situation, I thought I might need to have a mental reset and a look at what’s out there–what sort of skill sets and industry I might like to sink my tee

th into. And obviously, real estate provides opportunities to work with people a lot more closely, forming more relationships, but at the same time, it gives me flexibility during the week: picking up my daughter, doing a little bit of work from home–really a nice balance.”

With an already strong background in sales, Sam knows that he can apply his past experiences in his current role. From managing large government contracts, big sales in print houses, photocopiers, and other digital equipment, he gained the right communication and negotiation skills that he’ll be needing in the real estate industry.

Among his greatest achievements in his journey include his recognition as the #1 Agent for an actual brand two years in a row and another #1 Agent recognition in digital media for three years in a row. Sam even shared that as incentives, he was able to travel to different countries because of these awards. (Singapore was his fav so far!)

When Sam’s not working, you might find him doing some extreme sports ranging from motorbiking, car racing, cycling, mountain biking, and everything in between. Taking a trip down memory lane with Sam, we found out he is Tassie-born and bred and he grew up on a farm where he was exposed to these sports that he currently enjoys with his friends and family. He also shared that he’s now trying surfing and kayaking in some good spots (which he admitted was kinda hard). While enjoying the wave of real estate success, these activities prevent him from drowning in his day-to-day tasks and keep him fresh and motivated. Admittedly though, he also sees these as opportunities to create networks and build connections (definitely a sales-minded guy!).

As we mentioned at the start, Sam trained in his younger years to venture into the world of culinary art, with the goal to be a pastry chef. Still now, he cooks and bakes biscuits, pastries, croissants, and everything your taste buds crave. (just months from now, don’t be surprised if you’ll see everyone at 4one4 appearing a bit larger haha)

To officially welcome Sam, we talked to him about himself and his journey towards 4one4 Property Co. And we felt the need to share some snippets here so you can get a glimpse on how all right is Sam Allwright:

What are you looking forward to when starting with 4one4 Property Co.?

“It’s a much smaller group. Everyone I’ve met from the team so far has been so friendly and helpful. I feel like I will fit in nicely with the team straight away… It’s tech-focused, which I really like. I’m super excited to get started and it feels like a place where you look forward to going every day.” 

What characteristics do you think you’ll be needing with your new role?

“I’ve got to be a personable person face to face. I also really need to take it to the next level when it comes to technology. I’ll be more focused on Instagram and Facebook through photos and videos in terms of marketing to connect with more people.”

Why did you choose 4one4 Property Co. as your next employer?

“Predominantly, it’s because of the forward-facing tech-based. It’s a group of people that also help each other. It’s probably just across between the two regions.”

What do you currently see as your goal when you start working?

“Well, carrying the good work that I’ve been doing is the best start out point. I’m effectively trying to get myself out on social media and let everyone know that I’ve obviously moved and changed. Ultimately, I’d like to move into that 45, or possibly, 50 houses per year.”

From your experience, how does selling cars differ from selling properties?

“Selling cars when I was younger, it was a much smaller confined space, whereas, in real estate, you provide people with their own homes. You get to create long-lasting friendships because you are to deal with your clients for a much longer time.”

Do you have any fun fact about you that many people may not know yet?

“Everyone tends to comment a lot about my handwriting–my handwriting is terrible. Got my right index finger lost repairing a clutch on a race car which happened probably around 8 years ago.”

Sam is a fun, positive, and energetic guy & firm believes that everyone should treat people how they would like to be treated. “In Tasmania, if you do the wrong thing once, they’ll tell a thousand people. When you do the right thing, they’ll just tell two or three. You just gotta do the right thing though, even if it’s just for short term gain. You just gotta do the right thing and people will come back to you in the long term,” he continued.

Before starting his journey with 4one4 Property Co.,Sam has got a little getaway planned with his near and dear partner, Emma, but he will officially be joining our Team on the 30th of August. With so much excitement about what’s in store for him with the team here at 4one4 Property Co., we know that we’ll be joined by another passionate and compassionate individual. 

We are delighted to officially welcome you to the growing family of 4one4 Property Co., Sam Allwright! 

If you are looking to buy or sell in the near future… or would just like to find out more about some of those cracking Pastry recipes that Sam knows, Reach out! Sam would love to hear from you. // 0402 450 131 // facebook // instagram

You can Also check out Sam when he visited the team recently on The Property Pod: