Welcome to 4one4 Property Co. – Suz and Laura.

The Dynamic Duo of Property!

Like bread and butter or salt and pepper, Suz and Laura are better together!

Four years ago, the world of real estate magically transformed into a more dynamic and extraordinary place for both of them when they started working side by side as partners. With their proven competitive skills and quality work, people have been calling them the “A-Team”, “Dream Team”, “Powerhouse Couple”, “Dynamic Duo”, and every positive term that you can imagine.

Just as Spring has Sprung into season , our office has bloomed into a livelier space, when we were joined by these two balls of sunshine. We’re filled with joy and excitement as we officially welcome the newest addition to the happiest family across Tasmania, Suzanne Wiltshire and Laura Gunn! 

Looking back, Suzanne (or Suz as everyone calls her) started her career as a Personal Assistant of her sister for three months. After that, she explored the Sales side of real estate and within six months, she hired her first Personal Assistant. Laura, on the other hand, started as a Receptionist at her previous employer. After twelve months, she was promoted and began working as a Personal Assistant to the Director of the business. When the opportunity arose to finally join forces with each other in 2017, both of them grabbed the chance and the rest, as they say, is history. Little did they know that it was the start of a PAIR-fect chapter.

With 4one4 Property Co., Suz and Laura will continue to be the female equivalent of Batman and Robin of real estate as they help people in their property journey. Suz will be working as a Sales Consultant while Laura will be her Executive Assistant. With Suz being a naturally enthusiastic, kind, and vibrant person and Laura as a funny, loyal, and outgoing person, their connection clicked in an instant bearing with them the undying and contagious energy that they have. “We complement each other and we work really great together. The dynamic we have doesn’t work with anyone else,” claimed Laura.

Primarily, Suz will be working on getting new business listing as many properties as she can, and looking after key referrals. On the other side, Laura does all the processing after listings come in, such as arranging and attending photo and video shoots and doing the property scripts to name a few. She also works closely with the buyers after the signing of the contract. When asked about the advantage of having an “ultimate partner” in all of these, Suz said that their partnership has been a great support system both physically and emotionally.

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Suz Wiltshire and Laura Gunn, the newest Dynamic Duo of 4one4 Property Co.
“This can really be a stressful job sometimes. When one of us is having a down time, our medicine is our laughter. We’ve always got each other’s back and we’re very protective of that. Other than that, it’s also beneficial to our vendors. During open homes, it is not just one person showing off their home… It’s a seamless process with her.”

Two heads, indeed, is better than one. Now that they’re in a completely different environment doing the same thing that they love the most, Laura hopes to take up the momentum they’ve started for the past four years. “I’m really excited to be here. Everything is just fresh, which is amazing. We’re kinda going from the old to the new–the tech’s upbeat. It’s really interesting to learn all the new ways in the business. So yeah, I guess it’ll be a really good year, and we’ll just keep being us,” she continued.

Almost like a Serendipitous moment, Suz’s & Laura both joined the industry around the same time almost 7 years ago; garnering a wealth of experience in that time, they shared how receiving an amazing result with vendors still greatly astounds them. When asked about their greatest achievement in the field so far, here’s what Suz had to say:

“It’s the time when we’re told that we’ll never achieve a price for a home that’s over a million dollars  in one of the Northern suburbs. But when the vendor thanked both of us and said that her husband can retire now, it feels so priceless. Such moments when you realise that your impact in your job is so massive; you have no idea sometimes that your job greatly impacts people’s lives.”(For the record, not only was it only over 1 million dollars- it was sold for 1.45 Million and was a record for a domestic home on a non-sub dividable block)

Outside the work setting, Suz loves to run her little farm. She shared how she loves animals, hence, she has pigs, chickens, dogs, and cats on her farm. She admitted that this takes a lot of her time when she’s not working. Aside from this, she also enjoys going for walks, socialising with friends and family, and baking some pastries! 

Laura, on the other hand, is currently focussing alot of her time on the renovation of their house when she isn’t working. On a weekend, you can find her hanging around the local speedway. It’s a big sport in their family –her husband and brother both race. And here is a fun fact for you, she also used to hop behind the wheel & race when she was younger.

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Some moments of Suz and Laura

To officially welcome Suz and Laura to the 4one4 family, we sat down and talked with them about their life, journey, real estate stuff, and everything in between. And since we want you to know how TWO-rrific our newest family members are, here are some of the things we talked about:

What characteristics do you think you’ll need to be successful in your role?

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Suz Wiltshire

Suz: Communication, organisation, and just being real. You need to be authentic. That’s what can be lacking in this industry nowadays. 

Also, you need to be a good human before anything else. When you put that in your heart and every time you make any decisions, it’ll always be a good one.”

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Laura Gunn

Laura: A strong focus in communication and high energy–that’s where we generate a lot of business…. Also, Not being micromanaged and being process-driven. I know what needs to be done when it needs to be done..”

What are the things that you look forward to at 4one4 Property Co.?

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Suz Wiltshire

Suz: It has a balance here. It’s just all about family, balance, and growth.  For us, we’re hoping to have our biggest year this year. I love the fact that they embrace our ideas. There’s always something that we can share and grow from. Long term, growth and opportunity. The company is a very attractive company–I love the branding and the marketing.  If you’re just stagnant and stable, there’s nothing exciting about that really. So I’m really about growth and seeing people develop while you empower them.”

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Laura Gunn

Laura: We can continue being Suz and Laura without going through a dramatic change. Fresh branding, fresh feel–the fact that I actually have a career path, I know exactly where I’m heading. I love real estate so much and it’s great to continue doing what I love, where I love.”

Do you have any fun facts about you that many people may not know yet?

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Suz Wiltshire

Suz: Aside from the little farm that I’m running, I think many people don’t know yet that I’ve got a full sleeve of tattoos on my arm. Also, I was born in London, England. I think many people don’t know those yet.”

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Laura Gunn

Laura: I’ve have driven a Nascar around Las Vegas Speedway before”

If we hadn’t had the chance to meet your real estate partner, how would you describe her for us ?

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Suz Wiltshire

Suz: Laura is so hardworking and dedicated to her job and our vendors.”

4one4 Property Co | Welcome to 4one4 Property Co | Laura Gunn

Laura: Suz has a big personality. She’s just WOW.”

Suz and Laura work professionally together with top quality service, and when they do, they never forget to bring in a pinch of joy and energy. Plus, they’re always committed to their goal of helping people in their property journey. From Suz’s wise words: “it’s not selling houses; it’s helping people.”

“Real estate can be quite overwhelming and intimidating for a lot of people. To have fun and take that pressure away–that’s what we wanna do. We want to lighten the mood so hopefully, our presence has done that already.”

Our Team at 4one4 Property Co. are proud to welcome some more friendly faces to our team- and especially can’t wait to be part of fun and adventures that  the “Dynamic Duo” take us on. 

For all your property needs, Suz and Laura go above and beyond :

Suzanne Wiltshire // 0457 000 902 // suzanne@4one4.com.au

Laura Gunn // 0459 088 802 // laura@4one4.com.au
