Top Tips to Sell Your Home in Winter

Most people often think that houses don’t sell during winter. Well, here’s some news for you: the opposite is true.

We understand that it’s nice to pamper yourself on a cold morning with your warm blankets while perhaps, sipping a cup of coffee or tea. But, as much as we don’t want to disturb you in your morning session, we just want to inform you that there’s less competition during winter, as most sellers prefer to put their units out in the market during spring instead. This means that the demand for housing drives up among buyers (and that’s a perk for you!).

So, you better prep yourself up and start scheduling that home inspection while you take note of some of our tips on selling during winter.

Make a good impression

First impressions always count! So might as well start impressing your buyer the moment he/she sees your house from the outside. Highlight your curb appeal through adding a pop of flavor in your garden. Put those potted winter flowering plants and arrange them creatively outside or in your front door. Make sure that the pathway is also consistently swept and the lawn is all mowed to keep the place neat and tidy.This will spark excitement to your potential buyer to see what more can you offer to him/her inside the house.

Maintain your interior

Wet weather can sometimes be a hassle in a number of ways, and we’d bet that you wouldn’t want your home to be a victim of it. To avoid such an unfortunate event, you can place a welcome mat in your front door where your visitors can wipe their shoes to prevent mud spilling over your interior’s carpet. You can also provide an umbrella stand or a coat rack to avoid unnecessary dripping inside.

This could be a good selling point to those buyers who prioritise cleanliness in their list. By doing so, the idea that you’re protective of your property may reflect.

Keep it warm and cosy

Let the property itself do the welcoming. It’s undeniably true that one of the best moments to experience during winter is stepping from cold into a warm and cosy home. It lets your buyer feel and move comfortably. And simply because of this, there’s a big probability that your buyer will take more time in inspecting the unit, and hence, a greater opportunity for you to show off.

Set up the heater or the fireplace. As much as you want to warm the entire place, you wouldn’t want to overdo it. A temperature around 18 or 19 degrees would suffice. This will also prove that the heating system is in a working condition; checking that point from your prospective buyer’s list. For a more cosy feel, you may put some comfy-looking thick blankets in the beds and couches.

Light it up!

You wouldn’t want to add up in the gloomy weather outside; make every corner of your home stand out then. Replace those dim lights with brighter ones to highlight the details of your unit (make sure that you got them all cleaned up). Turn on all the lights and all your lighting fixtures. Put some lamps in the dark corners to make the place look more lively and vibrant. Also, you can put some mirrors across your windows to add some space and lighting.

Set a good mood

Start this through cleaning and wiping your windows beforehand. Open your curtains and let the natural light enter. Make sure that your prospective buyer is greeted with cosy and comfy feeling the moment he/she entered the door. You might also want to play some peaceful and soothing music to add up to the inviting vibe (make sure that there are no ads playing in between). Plus, you may light some candles for an additional feel or perhaps, offer a food or drink that’s perfect for the weather.

There you have it, sellers! These tips just prove that there is no universal season that represents the best time to sell your home. To say it more clearly, the best time to sell your property is when you’re prepared already. So, make sure that you and your home are ready, before putting it out of the market. Even if you do it at a time where a lot of buyers are looking for a home, if you’re not ready yet, it won’t do good.

If you have some other useful tips to add to our list or you want to have some discussions about this, feel free to contact our team at 4one4 Property Co.