Bank of us Run the Bridge 2018


Each year 4one4 Real Estate has a team of staff enjoy the challenge of running in Hobart’s collection of fun runs throughout the year and this month we ran our first fun run for the year the “Bank of Us Run the Bridge”

Excitingly we had our strongest team yet with sixteen runners competing on the day across all divisions including the 10Km, 5Km run, 5Km walk, and the 1Km kids fun run.

Kristy Adams from our property management department was our pro runner and the only entry in the 10km event finishing a respectable 50 minutes and 25 seconds placing her 409th out of 1178 competitors.

Competing in the 5km run was Martin, Abbey, Aaron, Jasmine and Patrick with Martin from our sales department coming home strong and crossing the finish line first with a time of 25 minutes and 4 seconds followed by Patrick 8 seconds later at 25:12. Rounding out the five 5Km run was Aaron (25:53) Abbey (26:20) and Jasmine (33.59) with all five competitors finishing with personal bests for the day!


Moving onto the 5Km Walk 4one4 had Jill, Chloe, Zoe, Cassie, Grace, Ava and Ned competing with Jill finishing in 35 Minutes and 13 seconds shaving 2 minutes and 21 seconds off her time from last year. Then as a collective group, the remaining members completed the walk in 1:02:49 and enjoyed a pleasant walk as a team.

Finally this year we had our three youngest members compete in the Better Milk 1Km kids fun run with Tate (age 8) Parker (age 4) and Quinn (age 2) completing the 1km run/walk in just under ten minutes.


Overall it was a great effort by our entire team and we look forward to doing it all again in the City to casino in the coming months.