Reflections on 2018!

Well, its that time of year again when we have reached the end of 2018 and with it comes the perfect time to reflect on the year that has been and all I can say is WOW it has been intense. Here at 4one4 Real Estate, we have had a jam-packed 12 months as the Northern Suburbs continue to perform strongly as more mainland investors discover how much our area has to offer!

Most people would be aware that the rental market has been active in our marketplace, but it may surprise you to discover that our rental team has received over 6,600 enquiries in the past twelve months which works out to be on average 18 enquiries a day. Also, they have shown over 2,700 people through rental open homes which have resulted in over 1000 applications being processed in the past twelve months.

It’s not until you look at the past twelve months within the rental marketplace that you genuinely do get an understanding as to how hard it been to rent a property. These stats showcase why the area is now a popular location for investors looking to purchase a property within Tasmania.

Sales have also been incredibility strong over the past twelve months with our sales team processing over 2,500 enquiries from email alone and have worked with over 3,900 people trying to help them achieve their property goals.

As a result, we have helped over 190 vendors achieve their property goals allowing them to move onto the next stage in their life.

In addition to working countless hours selling and renting properties our team still found time to have some fun along with implement some fantastic new ideas and events into the office.

In January we were lucky to have the whole team attend an office retreat in Orford for the Australia Day weekend.

In March management set off to Sydney to compete at the REIA’s awards for excellence where they were nominated for “Communication Agency of the year” however were unlucky in securing the award.

In May we had 13 people enter Run the Bridge with the team competing in the 10KM & 5KM Run, the 5KM walk and the kids 1KM run/walk which was a massive team effort.

In June we sent team members to the Gold Coast twice to attend LPMA, a property management conference then two weeks later again for AREC – Australia’s largest real estate conference.

In July we moved our entire CRM system (the brains of our office) onto a new platform which was a massive task and involved many sleepless nights as we migrated 12 years of data and over 50,000 data points into our new platform. We did this enormous task for one reason, to ensure we can push forward in 2019 in bringing new and exciting tech to market for our clients in both rentals and sales. What excites us about our new platform is it runs on an API platform (geek code) which means we can plug any software including our own into our CRM to create unique experiences for our clients.

In October we headed to Launceston where we were nominated in the REIT Awards for excellence for – Property manager of the year, Agency of the year, Communication agency of the year and Innovation agency of the year.

During November we also sent our entire rental team back to the Gold Coast for PMC – Australia’s largest property management conference in a bid to ensure our team keep up with all emerging trends within the marketplace.

In December I travelled to Melbourne to tour’s head office and learn a little more about how I can improve our clients marketing through the help of REA’s technology.

Somehow in amongst the chaos of property marketing 4one4 Media House also managed to film ten editions of our “Take 5” Web series and ten editions of our “Market report” videos along with help our local community out by shooting events for BMX Tasmania, Windermere primary school and Centacare evolve housing.

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Looking back at all the things we have managed to achieve over the past twelve months and I wonder how we managed to fit it all into such a compact time frame but with the team working for me I know anything is possible, and I’m just so proud of what they have been able to do in 2018.

So the next question is where to from here?

Well, I know its hard to believe, however, we are excited to bring on 2019. We have just begun rolling out a lot of exciting new products to ensure our team is ahead of the curb and we are excited to announce we hired our first AI (artificial intelligence) employee to help improve our database and the level of service our clients receive.

Also, we have also committed to sending staff to our first international conference in the USA where an expected 6000+ agents will attend from all over the world to learn what’s next for the industry we love so much.

Now I don’t sit here to brag about all the things we have achieved over the past twelve months but to showcase to you that we are so much more than just agents selling and managing properties. So if you have been reading through and think you would love to work with our team be it in looking after your home or even working with us, then I would like to hear from you because we are excited to bring on 2019 with all of you!

Author: Patrick Berry, Director, 4one4 Real Estate