New Play Spaces Bringing Fun to Glenorchy Residents

4one4 Property Co | New Play spaces in Glenorchy | Cairnduff Reserve

Parents and kids of Glenorchy can rejoice! Anyone who has recently travelled along Brent Street or Grove Road may have noticed some brand-new facilities popping up for the little humans to burn some energy and play on. Good news, Cairnduff Reserve is finally open to the young Glenorchy residents and young at heart! 

What’s even more exciting is that this is only the beginning…

To date, the Glenorchy City Council has 44 play spaces–an average of one playspace per 1090 residents. But since our existing play infrastructure is ageing, the majority of them need to be renewed and/or replaced. In fact, asking around our offices just this week, we had a number of parents of younger ones telling stories of ‘skun knees’ or falls from hot slides that they remember riding on in their younger years. We learnt that over 82% of these play areas are over 15 years old, and  68% are over 20 years old and in urgent need of repair.

Newly-renovated Cairnduff Reserve for the little Glenorchy residents

Mayor Bec Thomas has shared that the Council recognises the need for upgraded recreational areas in the community. “We know our community is calling out for improved play spaces in our city so they can play in Glenorchy rather than travelling further afield to other municipalities for newer play equipment,” Ms Thomas said.

“We hear this loud and clear and, in response, [we] are working on providing playgrounds [that] will support and enrich our growing city.”

In order to give residents play spaces that represent community expectations and a well-planned and coordinated approach, Council determined the necessity for a playspace strategy.

Lo and behold, the ‘Planning for Play 2041 Playspace Strategy’ came to fruition. 

Part of this strategy, which the Council has adopted, is determining the community’s present and future needs and establishing a strategic framework to direct the council in providing accessible and up-to-date play spaces for the community. 

This Plan strives to increase play possibilities throughout the municipality and offers direction for future growth. It fulfils the community’s mission of “Making Lives Better” and identifies the work that will be needed over the next 20 years.

4one4 Property Co | New Play Spaces in Glenorchy | Some of the new and improved amenities of Cairnduff Reserve
Some of the new and improved amenities of Cairnduff Reserve

Aside from the recently opened Cairnduff Reserve, the Glenorchy City Council has already completed a playspace project at Booth Avenue [just off of Grove Road]. The updated playground features two specially made swings: a swing for infants, toddlers, and young children; and a small accessible basket swing that may be utilised by people of all ages and abilities.

The multigame unit on the playground offers youngsters a variety of tasks, such as slides, climbing barriers, and a balancing unit. In high-wear sections, rubber soft fall surfaces have been added, and a concrete edge design allows for level access to the site.

While the projects have been completed at Cairnduff Reserve & Booth Avenue; these are just some of the many playgrounds in Glenorchy that require renewal or replacement. Ideally, 12 neighbourhood play areas will be renovated over the course of the next two years with money from the council’s playspace renewal budget and grants from the Australian Government as part of the council’s effort to repair the ageing infrastructure.

“Glenorchy City Council recognises the importance of investing in our play spaces, as well as listening to what our community wants when it comes to planning and renewing these areas so we can build relevant spaces that will support not just this generation of kids, but the next as well, and people of all ages for that matter.” 

4one4 Property Co | New Play Spaces in Glenorchy | 4one4 Mediahouse Jr Photographer enjoying both the redeveloped play space and his latest assignment
4one4 Media House Jr Photographer enjoying both the redeveloped play space and his latest assignment

From a real estate perspective, something as simple as updating the play spaces can have a hugely positive impact on the market in a local area. By improving parks, playgrounds, and other outdoor recreational areas, communities can attract more families with children, who can often prioritise access to these amenities when choosing a place to live. This can lead to increased demand for homes in the area, which in turn can drive up property values and generate more business for local real estate agents. 

Along with all this, we can’t overlook that play spaces are also a way to develop children physically, socially, mentally, and emotionally. Additionally, well-maintained play spaces can enhance the overall quality of life in a neighbourhood, making it more attractive to potential buyers and helping to create a sense of community pride and engagement. Overall, investing in playspace updates can be a smart strategy for local governments, developers, and property owners looking to boost the appeal and value of their real estate assets.

Another project that the Council is currently working on is the Benjafield Playspace Renewal – with a $1 Million Investment announced recently.

Currently, there is an ongoing survey conducted by the Glenorchy City Council to hear the residents’ thoughts and preferences on the playspace future design.

We encourage anyone interested to visit the website to take part in the survey which will run until 31 March 2023.  

Just as 4one4 Property Co. offers all types of properties for all types of people, we also believe that there are certain play spaces that fit every individual. So, our team gives our 100% support for this project. 

Along with other Glenorchy residents, we are looking forward to witnessing developments, one play space at a time… Watch this space!!!

For more details about this, you may check the Council’s official website: