Inman Connect 2019 here we come!

I’m sitting at the Melbourne International airport, drinking an almond latte and trying to wrap my brain around what to expect over the next seven days. The reason is that today I’m heading off to Las Vegas to attend Inman Connect one of the worlds largest real estate conferences.

The conference itself runs over five days, and as I look over my schedule I’ve realised there will be little time for sleep between the meetings, network parties and “Lobby Con”.

Lobby Con is the heart of this event and is built around agents coming together over lunch, dinner or drinks to talk all things real estate while learning from each other in the process.

It’s that willingness to share knowledge with agents from all over the world that I believe will be the real benefit of this week and where I hope to learn the most from, so I’m able to share it with you my Hobart audience.

Inman Connect is all about looking into the future, to expect the unexpected, go in with an open mind, and over the week, this is exactly what I will be aiming to do.

So what do I want to gain/achieve out of Inman Connect 2019?

That’s simple; I’m heading to the USA to learn from leaders within our industry on what to expect next and how to ensure my team is equipped to handle the next big craze. I’m also keen to learn what to expect from clients, especially newly emerging homebuyers like Millennials, who currently make up over 50% of the world population.

In addition to planning for my business, I have also packed our podcast kit and have been lucky enough to schedule appointments with some amazing people where I’m hopefully going to pick their brains on everything real estate.

These recordings will be shared through a special edition of our weekly podcast “The Property Pod”. In case you are yet to take a listen it can be found on all good podcasting platforms or via

For now, I’m signing off as its almost time to board the plane but stay tuned for more content over the coming days.

Patrick Berry, 4one4 Real Estate