COVID-19 & 4one4

Due to the unprecedented situation the world currently finds itself in with regards to COVID-19 we have had to implement some changes as to how we will proceed moving forward in managing properties for the foreseeable future

With this in mind we have made the decision to suspend all routine property inspections on rental properties for 30 days starting from Monday the 16th of March.

If your property was due for an inspection over the next 30 days we will endeavour to visit your property as soon as possible once we feel the environment allows us to do so. If you have any maintenance issues that we need to be aware of, please log them through the tenant portal or alternatively send your property manager an email along with a photo of the issue.

For showings of vacant/available properties, we will not be holding open homes and will instead hold individual showings to only one group of people per showing. At these showings all people entering the property will be required to use hand sanitiser prior to entering the property.

We will assess the situation again on Monday the 13th of April. As this is new territory for everyone involved the above protocols might be subject to change as we receive more information.

If you are an active buyer or tenant looking for a property but are not in a position to attend the property in person we will also be implementing two new viewing option to help you through these troubling times.

Firstly we will be adding Matterport tours to all listing online. These tours will allow you to walk through a property much like you would explore google maps. The tours are over 98% accurate/true to life so they will give you a good understanding as to the size of the home along with its features.

In addition to Matterport tours, we will also be implementing agent guided tours where you can watch one of our skilled agents point out all the features of the homes.

In regards to an office meeting, we will now be minimising face to face meeting and will be conducting meetings via Google Meet. If you require a face to face meeting you can call or email 4one4 Real Estate and we will schedule a video meeting at the desired time to help streamline the process.

Finally, we understand that these are going to be stressful and troubling times ahead for so many people and were are here to help you through this crisis if your struggling in regards to your property or are just lonely from isolation we are more then happy to chat at any point.

For now, stay safe!

Patrick Berry, Director