April – June 2019 Report is now avaliable

As we close out another financial year, it’s safe to say that Hobart has exceeded all expectations; From weekly rental incomes through to the overly exciting property prices achieved right in our backyard– The Northern Suburbs or Hobart.Suburbs like Glenorchy, Chigwell and Claremont exploded during this time, with many mainland publications featuring these suburbs heavily in their research as the “ONES TO WATCH”.

Similarly exciting is a lot of economists expecting Hobart and Greater Hobart to be on the verge to receiving a second wind with employment up 27% and a lot of excitement around current developments happening within the city.

Where we will end up at the end of this year, who knows? But, it will be exciting to see how the market travels over the coming months.

Over the past week, we have been researching the Northern Suburbs market and are now excited to be releasing edition 21 of our Quarterly Reports. To read our latest edition please click here.

To keep up to date with everything property; look up our weekly real estate podcast “The Property Pod” on ll popular podcast services like Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and Stitcher or visit our site www.thepropertypod.com.au


Kind Regards,

Patrick Berry