An Emerging Sport & An Emerging Star

Sebastian in action at the Pickleball State Champs Credit: Carolyn Whitehouse (CMW PHOTOGRAPHY )


Well, I’ll be Pickled?!

Aside from the mandatory face masks and constant reminders to keep a distance from others, something fun has also been popularised during the pandemic era. Despite its strange name, “Pickleball” is now the fastest-growing sport in Australia.

Pickleball is a paddle sport of tennis, table tennis, and badminton all in one. If you got the skills in any of these sports; you’ll surely ace this new emerging sport as well. (Heck, even if you’ve never played any of these- with just a little bit of instruction you can go from full blown beginner to regular Picklehead just like that!!!!)

Just this past long weekend, sixty (60) participants competed in the first ever Inaugural Pickleball Tasmania State Championships held at Kingston at the Kingborough Sports Centre.

In an interview with 7 Tasmania News, Robbie Cooper, Pickleball Tasmania President, mentioned how they were anticipating the growth of the sport, “the last 12 months, we [were] really seeing [Pickleball] to grow quite quickly–we [are] getting quite more people into the sport, and the word is spreading.”

Robbie Cooper, Pickleball Tasmania President, preparing to approach the net Credit: Carolyn Whitehouse (CMW PHOTOGRAPHY )

Just like a Tennis Grand Slam, the State Championships were divided into categories like (1) singles, (2) doubles, and (3) mixed doubles.  And Guess what? Our team at 4one4 didn’t let this opportunity slip away (of course!). Three of our fellow team member were there to compete: Aaron (Mens doubles and Mixed doubles), Janaya (Womens doubles); and the rising star amongst the ranks, Sebastian (Mixed doubles).

Even if Aaron and Janaya failed to bring home the bacon on the weekend (we’re still proud of them nonetheless!), Sebastian Kitchener, Media Guru at 4one4 Property Co., performed valiantly alongside his mother in the group stage to make their way into the Mixed Doubles Final- The final was an epic three set battle that they unfortunately lost (9-11, 11-3, 9-11) to become the State Mixed Doubles Div 2 Runners up.

State Champs and Finalists in the Open and Division 2 Singles Credit: Carolyn Whitehouse (CMW PHOTOGRAPHY )

Despite losing in the close tussle, when asked how he felt, Sebastian said ‘Going into the event, I didn’t really feel like it was all about winning or losing- it was just fun to get together to compete… and it was good to find out how our little group of players weren’t just competitive, but performed very well against fresh players…”  Sebastian then said it has given him the drive to try and compete on the national stage. (4one4 represents!)

Fellow 4one4 Property Co. Team member and Marketing Manager, Aaron, had something similar to say “…it’s funny actually, in my experience with it, I think it is a rare sport that’s it’s generally more about the fun of playing than the winning side of things!… the State Champs were really well organised and played in such a positive spirit.

He says it is all about fun, but that’s a pretty serious face Aaron has there!!! Credit: Carolyn Whitehouse (CMW PHOTOGRAPHY

Aside from the fact that it ‘just flatout rules’ and the game itself is simple to pick up, Sebastian revealed that the reason why he became interested in the sport is that it is a chance to have some real quality time with his family and friends.

(Just as a fun-fact too: Sebastian, like many, had never heard of the sport until early in 2020 and from then, he has been enjoying playing weekly at the YMCA in Glenorchy with a contingent of other enthusiastic Pickleballers.)

Pickleball is a sport for all walks of life. Whatever age you are; you can freely try your shot at this new sport (you might just be the first to bag the national title *wink). “I can take people that have never played a sport before as long as they’ve got some ability and have some balance… and have them playing in ten minutes” said Robbie.

Players can be any age to particpate Credit: Carolyn Whitehouse (CMW PHOTOGRAPHY )

Sebastian agrees that Pickleball is a sport for everyone. He shared that this is probably one of the main reasons why this sport is emerging in popularity across Australia. “ You don’t have to be young, or fit and fast. I guess that’s what drove more people in… I’m meeting and having conversations with people from all walks of life- many I wouldn’t have come across in my day to day life. Thats whats so great about it”

Just to give you a little idea of how the sport is run, a Pickleball court measures 44 ft long and 20ft wide, where players hit the ball using a paddle and play it back and forth. You can hit it either in the air or let it bounce inside the “kitchen” (oops, this isn’t the usual kitchen we know). This is a 7-foot area in front of the net and a non-volley zone, which you can’t step into while playing.

Kitchens?! Pickles?! All Sounds complicated right- we well we can assure you, it really isn’t! Just pick up a bat and give it a go

Sebastian also believes that the sport is beneficial to people and the community. Aside from its active nature, it brings a lot of people together, too, especially after the Covid era. “It became a reason for people to come and hangout and have a social life,” he shared.

Organizers say more than 100 people play across Tasmania each week. With its continuous popularity, more people will be looking forward to the National Competition (and that includes our team at 4one4) which will be held in Newcastle in September to October this year.

For those aspiring players of Pickleball, here’s a piece of advice from Sebastian:
“I guess you just need to try it; I’d bet you’ll love it. Because of how simple it is, you’re gonna pick it up easily and it’s not as hard as people think”.

From our team at 4one4, we wish Sebastian the best for the National Competition! Break a leg and remember to always stay out of that kitchen! (haha)

For more information on Pickleball you can head to: or their facebook page

Or you can visit some of the local pickleball groups facebook pages to find out how you can get involved:

Thanks to Carolyn Whitehouse at CMW PHOTOGRAPHY for her amazing snaps over everyone in action over the weekend- to find out more about her jump over to her facebook page at