About Laurie.

Just like his morning coffee, he likes to add a pinch of sweetness to any bitter situation. And the keep the analogy going, He doesn’t wait for opportunities to turn cold either! Laurie Gray is the type of guy who grabs them right away while still seeing the steam of potential rise like the property market. Most importantly, he likes to smell the aroma of his drink--the long-lasting scent of passion and success mixed in one.

Aside from his life now in the real estate, one of the greatest highlights of Laurie’s career was spent running a sucessful Building and construction business for 30 years alongside his wife. Unfortunately, as ages catches up to all of us, with heavy hearts they needed to close down that business- But, as they often say, when one door closes, another opens. And that’s when the real estate opportunity knocks on him. His involvment in a Rotary Club here in Hobart was where he got the chance to speak with Paul Berry and just like that an opportunity at 4one4 Property Co. was born. With his outgoing nature and penchant for building solid and lifelong relationships (Not unlike his buildings in a past life ;) ) Laurie wanted to try it out--and the rest, as they say, is history. 

With his 3 decades of management experience and communicating with different people, he found himself smoothly and naturally transitioning into the world of properties. From meeting and greeting people to build his database, getting people’s trust, and having day-to-day progressions, Laurie finds all the ins and outs of real estate exciting. What he loves the most which he also finds rewarding is the negotiation process. In an active market with not enough properties, finding the right property for the buyer and finding the right purchaser for the seller count a lot for Laurie.

Even if most of the days of his week revolve around real estate, he still makes sure to get the breather he needs to keep everything in a positive and fresh phase. He loves spending time with his family and socialising with friends--wining and dining on weekends. He can be sporty, too, during his spare time. He’s an avid lover of AFL football, cricket, and golf. 

As a people-person, he’s looking forward to having more coffee sessions with his clients as time progresses. He plans on staying in the industry for a very long time as it makes him extremely happy, while sharpening and developing more of his skills and expertise in the field. 

Laurie's stats.


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Our purpose is to create a place where we can facilitate our peoples’ growth. Our values are

You are only as good as your last success story, and this is something that is always at the forefront of our mind.

It's a big call to make, and we get that, but it's true; we are here to showcase a new way of thinking.

Real Estate is more than just property; this is why we have made an ongoing commitment to reduce our carbon emissions and leave the planet better than we found it.

Not only for our staff but our clients as well. This is at the route of everything we do, from our podcast to our blog to our conversation, knowledge is key to a stress-free experience.

We get it, Real Estate is a serious topic and that you are trusting our agency with your most valuable assets but who said we can't make the process a little fun, after all, they say laughter is the best medicine and we are as healthy as they come.

The 4ONE4 Difference

Primarily, We are here to sell your home… but no one ever said you can’t have a little fun in the process.

Our media team will expose your property to rock star status.

Quirky, fun, cheeky and different are some of the ways people describe our agency.

We are here to not just implement the next big thing, but to be the first to discover it. Let's shake things up!!!

As industry transformers, we aim to surpass – not simply meet – the modern consumer’s needs.

Yes, we said robot, our AI digital assistant Rita, will help streamline communications.

Since opening in 2006, we have accumulated over 35 Industry awards, including Australias best medium-sized agency.