5 things to consider in a Post-COVID market

Let’s take everything that happened in 2020 and place it firmly in the rear view mirror; with a New Year underway the team at 4one4 Property Co. have taken a real good look at what we believe will be the keys to success in a Post-covid world when selling your home. 

Below are 5 things to consider when selling in 2021:


Hobart still continues to boom!

Since April 2020 Hobart has been one of the few capital cities that have seen growth with the area enjoying a 16% growth and the State has enjoyed a 20% increase in search enquiries from mainland states like Victoria and NSW.

With Tasmania’s hard borders and companies finding new ways for employees to work from home has provided people the opportunity to look at Hobart as a potential sea change. Our unique lifestyle, affordability and how the state has handles the COVID-19 pandemic has placed the state on the radar for a lot of people looking to retire or relocate for work purposes and one of the main reasons we here at 4one4 Property Co. believe that 2021 is going to be another exciting year for people selling property within Tasmania. 


Digital advertising is king. 

Gone are the days of the agents taking photos and getting them developed at the chemist, as buyers now expect so much more when it comes to online listings.

First impressions are all you get in the market these days- Leading online Real Estate Portals have stated that you essentially have only a mere 7 seconds to catch someone’s attention or risk them moving onto the next property.

It’s good to ensure you have an eye-catching ‘Hero Photo’ to garner immediate attention- and then at least 15 to 30 quality photos to show you are a listing with substance.

Once you have a buyer interested, additional content to reel them in with is key to securing that in-person inspection. An engaging modern listing is one that features:

  • Drone Photography
  • 3D Walkthroughs
  • Video
  • Floorplan


Presentation will always be key!

It should be no surprise to anyone looking to sell a home, that presentation goes a long way to attracting interest.

If people can imagine themselves living in the space, then you are halfway there to an in-person inspection. The same can be said about street appearance – make sure the lawns are mowed and that the overall look of your home is appealing from the street. 

An easy and cost-effective tip is to simply cross the road and look back at your home to get a buyer’s perspective. You only get one chance to make a first impression; and if your home looks appealing from the moment a prospective buyer gets out of the car, you are already starting to tick the boxes on selling it.


Working from home changes everything

In the past 5 years, a shift towards more flexible working conditions and the ‘work from home trend’ had been starting to gather real steam and momentum. Add onto that a Global Pandemic that had many employers forced to make the move to see jobs that had previously been considered untenable out of the office become a norm & necessity.

A significant change like this can create a real possibility for a market shift across the board- with a boost to the appeal of homes with the ideal set up; commutes to & from work being removed means its not essential to buy in a suburb with close proximity to the CBD.

With many Australians now considering the prospect of the Seachange or Treechange to Tasmania; making the move away from metropolis areas & finding their own slice of heaven in suburbs that previously weren’t receiving the same amount of attention- means for sellers, more opportunities to garner that price that may have seemed, just like working from home, previously untenable.


Choose the right agent

A modern market requires a modern agent- gone are the days of simply going with the local area agent that you saw on the community notice board. In the age of the internet and unlimited information, people are spending more and more time doing the research themselves.

Consumers can now know more about a house they are interested in purchasing than ever before; and this goes for the agent you use to sell with as well.  In this age of ‘FAKE NEWS’,  we should no longer see agents as the ‘gatekeepers’ of all information, but rather the ‘facilitators’ of the CORRECT information. 

Ensuring your agent is well educated to all the information that is out in the public domain along with industry insights is essential. At 4one4 Property Co. we believe our job is to facilitate the process of correctly pricing your property before going to market to ensure everyone achieves the best possible outcome from the transaction.

Following these tips with the right strategy, presentation, marketing and agent will provide you with the best possibility to have a successful outcome if selling in 2021. 

For more tips, tricks and ways to improve your home for sale don’t hesitate in contacting our team at 4one4 Property Co. 

We are always happy to provide free no obligational advice on the best path forward for any property.

4one4 Property Co.

All types of properties, for all types of people!