5 New Year’s Resolutions for Real Estate Agents this 2023

And just like that, we’re already halfway through the first month of 2023. But it’s not too late yet to start something new. If anything, this is the best time for new beginnings. Think of it as a reset button that will refresh all your tabs and begin with a blank window.  

It’s not a bad thing though. Cliche as it may sound, endings call for beginnings. More often than not, we can take this as an opportunity to review and realign our goals, all whilst assessing how the past year has progressed. 

Real estate-wise, we have witnessed how it can constantly be changing and the housing market can sometimes be unpredictable. Hence, there’s no better time for you to put extra in the ordinary and level up your real estate game.

We’ve narrowed down some impactful new year’s resolutions that other real estate agents who want to experience their best year yet in the industry may refer to.

Active Online Presence

If there’s one lesson that should have resonated with everyone for the past years, it is the fact that social media can do wonders. Oftentimes, your online pages are your clients’  first step in getting to know you and your brand. 

If we put it in a day-to-day perspective, your social media profiles are your receptionists that communicate first with potential clients. These are also your virtual resumes that recruitment specialists review to check your qualifications. Therefore, they need to be consistently updated and they should say a lot about you, your work, your character, and your experience in the industry. 

This year, you need to allot time and effort in producing online content that will showcase and establish yourself as an expert in the industry. Such a strategy will also help in creating brand awareness, reaching more people, and acquiring leads that can later be turned into sales. Let your social media pages talk about you and your services even while you’re asleep. If you could start posting at least one content a day, that would totally make a difference. Remember that in creating a name on online platforms, consistency is the key.

Student Mindset

Keep an open mind and stay curious. Whether you’re already doing good in your craft or you’re still in the stage of experimenting, your hunger for new information must always be present. After all, there’s always room for improvement. You should retain a student mentality where you always seek new knowledge that can help you and your clients understand the market better and eventually streamline the process.  

Check those online groups that discuss anything and everything real estate, attend those webinars that tackle real estate or anything related to your craft, listen to more real estate podcasts, subscribe to real estate blogs and newsletters, and attend various real estate conferences

Not only will these help you be updated with the latest market trends and freshest industry news, but doing so can also help you improve your skills and strategies. After all, the only direction is upward to those people with hungry and curious minds. 

Upgrade Your Skills

You have negotiation skills, yes, and it’s no surprise you’re also good at communicating. Whilst these are essential skills for a real estate agent, these aren’t the only must-haves given that we’re in a highly competitive market. Do your research and identify how your competitors work. The last thing you would want to happen is to fall behind these more advanced and efficient agents. 

You may start incorporating even the basic content creation skills in your system this year. Begin with learning how to take better photos and videos then you may proceed with the editing part. These skills will help you feature and advertise your listings better and more effectively. Trust us, your clients will appreciate this. You may also dwell more into the world of digital marketing to potentially reach more people and extract quality leads later on.

From the simplest methods such as asking assistance from your fellow agents who are already doing such or just simply watching YouTube tutorials, to a more complex approach including seeking help from experts in the field by attending training and webinars, your skills will certainly upgrade. Learning new skills might be challenging but always remember that growth happens outside your comfort zone.

Connect with Local Businesses

Building relationships and good rapport shouldn’t be limited to your clients alone. You need to also broaden your network and sphere of influence. One way to do this is through establishing connections around your community specifically with the local businesses in the area. This could help you leverage your services while uplifting theirs at the same time.

You can form mutually beneficial partnerships with local businesses. For instance, you may consider collaborating with a nearby hardware store to provide your buyers and sellers discounts or coupons. The same holds true for every other service a new homeowner would require, such as painters, plumbers, or electricians. 

This will benefit not only you but also the businesses themselves for additional income opportunities as well as your clients for a convenient and smoother process. At the end of the day, through such a strategy, you may hit three birds with one stone. 

Go Offline Once in a While

Whilst the former resolutions require more work to do, one of our significant recommendations to every real estate agent is to breathe and have some time for themselves once in a while. Like what we’ve always told our friends and workmates, rest is also part of the work. Never underestimate the power of recharging and resting. Your body and mind will thank you for it. 

Achieving goals and kicking butts require a lot of effort and it could potentially lead to burnout. That’s the last thing we want to happen to anyone. Hence, this year, invest in yourself and make sure to do things that bring you happiness from time to time. 

Instead of returning home to complete some paperwork, make it a habit to draw a fine line between work and home. If that’s too much to ask, you may just allot at least 10 minutes of your time every day for yourself. It is amazing what just a few minutes of technological peace can do for you. Take a break, go offline, and turn off your phone for a while. The tendency, you’ll feel more refreshed and motivated to work. 

4one4 Property Co | New Year's Resolutions | 2023 New Year's Resolutions for Real Estate Agents

Remember that effective resource management and healthy habits are the cornerstones of good business practices. Oftentimes, the smallest change in your routine could give you the biggest reward. Take time to assess your performance from the previous years and pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. From there, you could tweak your routine and create a good game plan that could make 2023 the best year of your life. 

We hope that these New Year’s Resolutions could make a positive impact on your real estate business as much as they did on us. Our whole team at 4one4 Property Co. is rooting for you and your success!!!