4one4 Community Day: Giving back to the community

Here at 4one4, we have always believed that there’s a really good reason why there’s ‘unity’ in the word ‘community’. Hence, we love to try to find ways to give back and bring people together. We champion a sense of community and we advocate for belongingness and connection; and recently, two of our friendly and superstar sales consultants, Shaun McGuire and Jenna Pearsall, have been doing their part to bring unity to their community. 

4one4 Property Co | Community Day | 4one4 Property Co. Sales Consultants and organisers of '4one4 Community Day' Jenna Pearsall and Shaun McGuire
4one4 Property Co. Sales Consultants and organisers of ‘4one4 Community Day’ Jenna Pearsall and Shaun McGuire

For the past few months on the first Sunday, in conjunction with 4one4 Property Co., Shaun and Jenna have been hosting food and entertainment for the Claremont community at the Claremont Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL)–preparing something special and different each time. 

Not only does the Claremont RSL stand as a respected place for returned and ex-servicemen and women and their families but it is also a central hub where people can come together since both members and visitors are always welcome. 

Having both been involved in the club separately even before they became awesome workmates and as both residents of the suburb, they wanted to put together something that people would look forward to every month. 

To give us a clear picture, Shaun shared what the 4one4 Community Day usually looks like. “We just try to make it a fun day for everyone to come in, forget about everything that’s going on the outside–have a bit of a party with good food, music, and a few drinks,” he narrated. 

Running for 4 months now, the fun event lasts for about two hours from 3.00 to 5.00 in the arvo. And if we haven’t mentioned it yet, everything is completely free of charge (except if you want to purchase drinks in the club’s bar). For the past months, the food served includes barbecue and spit roast–which the attendees really loved! 

4one4 Property Co | Community Day | A scene from the Claremont RSL during one of 4one4's Community Day events

Jenna mentioned how there are not many community-based events in Claremont and initiating something different to do on a Sunday is definitely a game-changer. “In the northern suburbs where we are, there aren’t many places to go that have a community feel except the RSL. So, starting this 4one4 Community Day event was a great step to make everyone’s experience better and more fun,” Jenna shared. 

“We sort of invite the whole Claremont community along. You don’t have to be a member or be a part of the REIT [Real Estate Institute of Tasmania]. In short, everybody is welcome!” she continued.

Even though the RSL is a member-based club and encourages people to become members, it practises inclusivity; hence, anyone can go visit there. Nick Murnane, President of the Claremont RSL, shared how the 4one4 Community Day positively impacted the club and the community.  

“For the last 4 months, we had a huge increase in participation rates for the day. It’s a far greater increase to our normal trade than what we’ve had in the past,” Nick gladly mentioned.

“It’s always good for the community to have somewhere else to go to as well.”

Aside from the arguably delicious food that is being served, another highlight of the day is the music performed by Adam D’Silva & his band. This is something that Jenna and Shaun also look forward to since music in the northern suburbs is not as active as it used to be way back 10 years ago.

Shaun and Jenna wanted to create a light, friendly, and enjoyable environment for everyone with no judgement where attendees can just be conveniently themselves while having the best time of their lives mingling with other people. Truth be told, with all the feedback received, we think that the goal has been achieved. Not only do people anticipate the first Sunday of each month but everyone is also willing to extend help in one way or another to put together a great community event.

If others have found a great event to look forward to each month, some have found a lovely place to call home. Jenna shared that some of the regulars are often elderly men. “Obviously, some of them don’t have a family with not much interaction and they’re quite lonely. It’s nice that we give them something different to expect. It is something to do on a Sunday for those that don’t have particular plans.”

4one4 Property Co | Community Day | Some scenes during the Christmas-themed party at the Claremont RSL
Some scenes during the Christmas-themed party at the Claremont RSL

For this month, a Christmas-themed event was put together with traditional Christmas food offered such as ham and turkey rolls. Shaun even applauded Jenna for her great efforts in preparing the ham herself. Another highlight of the event was Santa showing up and going around giving bags of lollies to the kids. Not to mention, the music helped make the event more enjoyable and memorable for everybody. 

Just like everyone, Nick mentioned how he is looking forward to future events and interactions with the community. “It’s great that people like 4one4 are prepared to give something to the RSL. It’s a great organisation and we certainly look forward to any ongoing contribution and participation–both for the club and the community.”

Moving forward, Shaun and Jenna are planning to make the 4one4 Community Day even bigger and better this coming year.

“We want it to continue and get some more photos of everyone and hopefully, we could sort of publicise a little bit so a lot of people will know that we’re hosting such,” Shaun claimed.

We want more people to enjoy the good all fun day where they can just sort of relax and enjoy themselves.”

Since the new year falls on the first Sunday of January 2023, the monthly tradition will continue on the first Sunday of February.

This is a sign to free up your schedule on the 5th of February for a fun day with great music and food at the Claremont RSL! Until then, enjoy the festivities this holiday season brings and Shaun & Jenna will see you again next year!